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Showing posts from July, 2017

Summer Plans

Well, the Summer of 2017 is almost 2/3 done, and it has been very productive.  My son did 4 hours of summer enrichment classes (STEM, video production, engineering) for the first 4.5 weeks of summer, so that was 4 hours of work time I got each day while he was at school.  I had one main goal for this time that I got to work:  entirely revamp my AP Calculus class; I haven't been happy with how I've had the class structured the past couple years, and student success has been inconsistent, at best, in my eyes.  I needed to change. This coming year will be my 18th year of teaching, and my 17th year of teaching AP Calculus (I was out of the classroom during the 2015-16 school year in a district instructional coaching role).  In that time, I've had some tremendous successes with my students, but it's getting farther and farther away.  I haven't been able to place a finger on it fully, but it just seems that over the past 8-10 years, we've struggled more and ...